

A vacation doesn’t have to be a “production”. Webster’s dictionary defines the word ‘vacation’ simply as “a respite or a time of respite from something” and also “a period spent away from home or business in travel...
Release, Expand, Grow… repeat

Release, Expand, Grow… repeat

Growth is an upward spiral. As one of my good friends and life coach explained, perfection is an invitation to fail because it’s not truly attainable. Continuous growth and improvement; always striving to be better than you were the day before; true mastery...
Yards of Love

Yards of Love

* I dedicate this post to my younger sister who has become one of my best friends; who is going through her own journey of letting go; who laughs with me through the goofiness and challenges motherhood brings especially watching our babies grow up.* Yards of linen...
Milestones for the Littles

Milestones for the Littles

With each passing year, the littles grow bigger and continue to reach different milestones. It seems time is slipping by faster and faster even though we do our best to “stop and smell the roses”. My little guy just started preschool today and my daughter...


“I’m sorry momma. I know you are trying. There’s no easy age… ” as I hear from friends who have older children. (Mine are 5 and 2.) Part of this sounds like normal kids testing boundaries… boy do they LOVE to do that. I have a combination of...