It’s taken me awhile to write this… working through various feelings, talking to friends, listening to different perspectives.

Let’s start here… I recognize there’s evil in the world.

I do.

It’s been here since the dawn of humanity. Remember the snake in the Garden of Eden?


That snake is still here in our midst… it’s in the hatred, the jealousy, the anger, the bias; it’s in the judgement of others; and it’s in us if we allow ourselves to succumb to its seductive message.

The things that are still happening because of the difference in a person’s skin color, heritage, political ideology, religion is downright wrong. People are being lumped into boxes that don’t fit. When did we stop being individuals? When did it become an all or nothing stance?

It is beyond race, there are people that hate on others because of ANY difference.

It has been shocking to watch and listen to. It’s downright mind boggling.

I just wasn’t brought up that way.

My community I live in isn’t that way.

So to be honest it’s been rather foreign to me. Which prompted me to reach out and learn.

However the hard truth we need to deal with,

Today it’s race, tomorrow it’s political party or religion. It pervades our society.

Heck… I was hated on bc I was tall and I wore glasses. I dreaded walking down the hall at school bc of a group of guys that would constantly pick on me. I kept my head down and walked as fast as I could past them. This was a daily occurrence.

I was called racist a few years back simply because I’m Caucasian. Yet I have friends who are black and whom I respect so that is the furthest thing from the truth.

My experiences are nowhere near what others have experienced yet it still sucked and I’ve never understood why it happens.

All of it … is hatred; it is anger, hate, it’s bullying, and despicable. All of it needs to stop and it starts with us…

You, me… you know… the adults in the room.

WE must choose love, acceptance, value of others above hate…. on both sides.

Our kids are watching every move. They are listening to every word. More than you may know.

We need to teach love. Love is looking at another human being and saying “you matter, you are valuable… even if we differ”

Beyond hate, there is love, forgiveness and grace.

And every day you practice love it will win out over hate.

Love is a powerful force.

I know because it’s what has changed my life. It’s what has helped me let go of anger. It’s what has helped me to see every person regardless of race, religion, gender, occupation as a human being made in the image of God.

Love is how I choose to meet people; treat people; to listen.

In my view… how is going after entire police departments (men, women, of different races), dismantling school resource officers that are there to protect our children, and our communities, making blanket statements because of a few bad cops any different than judging people of a race or religion in a negative way.

How is discrimination of the badge (a profession) any different?

It’s not.

Let me say this…Police brutality is wrong.

Racism is wrong.

Let’s go after the problems; those who are NOT upholding the oath they took to serve and protect; let’s stop that part / those people.

Let’s not attack all the GOOD people diving into the line of fire. Let’s not punish the whole community and take away protection.

I pity the people of every race in the cities and towns where we are tearing down the police. Who are you going to call in an emergency or to stop a crime? when your life is in danger?

Who will keep our roads safe?

Who are you going to call when your business gets broken into? or you have a car accident?

Have you forgotten the men and women who ran INTO the towers on 9/11?

Have you forgotten the ones who ran into schools to STOP a school shooting?

Have you forgotten all those who have searched for a missing child?

Have you forgotten all those who have rescued a victim of domestic abuse from her abuser?

Have you forgotten the ones who hunted down, arrested and jailed a bonafide murderer?

The amount of hatred towards people of different races is appalling.

The amount of hatred towards our law enforcement officers is appalling.

The amount of hatred towards religions who are different is appalling.

The amount of hatred towards those of different sexual preference than our own is appalling.

I’m tired.

Tired of the hatred.

How much could be solved if we worked together as a community?

How much could be solved in a way that favors all citizens if our local governments would take the time to survey those that would be impacted BEFORE making a rushed decision?

How much could be solved if we talked and listened to one another… I mean REALLY listened with an open heart and open ears instead of to the media sound bites?

How much could be solved by loving someone different than you instead of tearing them down?

YOU can decide love or hate. Which will you choose?

I am praying for our country. I don’t know where we are headed but God does. I have to put my faith in him.