Words are powerful. They can build up or they can destroy.

Sometimes we simply are where we are. We try to quiet the voices within trying to get us to believe the lies like … “you aren’t good enough”, “you don’t deserve…”, etc. We do all the right things and keep turning our focus towards the positive, chanting affirmations in their place, knowing that our thoughts and words are powerful.

Yet they are just too loud to handle alone.

And no… I’m not a crazy person. We all hear them. Those small little voices that try to beat us up and kick us when we are down… The words get louder when we are alone… and we sometimes listen, giving them time because there’s no one to drown them out.

That’s when we turn to God; we turn to trusted friends and accountability partners. We share what we are hearing and what those voices are speaking to us so we can get the help we need to shut them up; to close the door on the nonsense. Sometimes the only way to climb back out is to reach out with open arms and cry up for help!

Because words have power and there is also strength in numbers.

It’s in those numbers that we can overpower and destroy the would-be negative forces working against us. It is in those numbers we find solidarity; strength beyond our own; the power of prayer and the ability to shift focus back to a place that is uplifting. It’s in those numbers, speaking the truth together and standing on God’s word for our lives that it is done!

It’s here amongst the support that we can be reminded of truth and shine light into the darkness, breaking apart the very lies sent to destroy us.

This is why God says we need to be in fellowship with one another; this is why He said to confess our sins one to another. So that in those times we can call on those people around us to come together and defeat the enemy!

Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. James 5:16

You are never truly alone. Remember that.