Sometimes the value of the gifts we are given aren’t fully known until weeks, months or years later. I received a package in the mail from a friend of mine a month or so back and inside was this beautiful book called The Boy, the Mole, the fox and the Horse. The roughed out sketch for the cover illustration was intriguing. As I flipped open the book to a random page, it beckoned to me to stop and read. Standing in my kitchen with my daughter, I began reading the book aloud. We laughed at the mole eating his cake and reveled in the beauty of each page, every word was more delicious than the last. Before I knew it we had read the whole book… cover to cover. My husband was in the bedroom and I couldn’t wait to share. I showed him the artwork and read a page or two…and then sat down and read it to my him. My son was too busy playing with his cars that day…. we would read another day. It’s been about a month since I received it and we were asked in one of the groups I’m in to share our favorite pages. This book is such a wonderful gem. There are so many beautiful pages and words to choose from. To pick a favorite is challenging because I noticed that they are different depending on what step I’m on in my journey or even how I’m feeling that day. Currently, it’s these pages. 💗

I can fly

I love how the horse tells the boy the secret… “I can fly”. And then you see wings and the page with him flying. I believe I am much like the horse and I too have that secret, yet I have kept it to myself for years. Groups I’ve joined as well as books I’ve read and am currently reading, along with a wonderful new Life Coach and most importantly my horses… have shown me it’s ok to let that secret out; It’s safe. I’m finally believing I CAN fly and it’s time to let those wings unfurl in all their glorious beauty and to soar! 🦄💗 🦅 And then last night I had the most amazing session with my friend and coach, Helen Flitcroft. At one point during the session she asked me to visualize myself walking outside barefoot, in touch with the earth. So with my eyes closed, I walk outside feeling the grass beneath my feet. I walk over to my horses and Irish meets me at what would be the fence but there was no fence. I was standing with him barefoot, his head over my right shoulder, my arm wrapped under his chin. I could feel his strength and confidence.

We were both standing looking in the same direction – looking forward.

“What would he say to you?” She asked me.

He is saying “Don’t be afraid. Let your wings show. You can fly”

Me and IrishI could see the image above, of the horse in the book, flying. We continued to work through the session and the feeling of release and limitless filled my soul. In those moments I was with my horse I was touching God. I woke up still picturing the image of he (Irish) and I standing together. This morning, as I went to leave for work, I walked over to the fence to say goodbye to the horses. They were grazing on the other side of the pasture on this cloudy morning. But for a brief second, Irish turned, picked up his head and purposely looked right at me. I heard him whisper “It was real. I was there. Go get your wings.” He returned to his grass and I walked to greet Andy to leave for the day.

“Look how far we have come”

.. a lot has happened for me in the last couple years through God bringing various people and circumstances into my life and across my path. Especially though the last few months from breaking through blocks, to letting go of a toxic relationship, to my car breaking down, to changing eating habits, to digging in deeper than I ever have and embracing all of life. I can look back at all the valleys, mountains, creeks and forests, knowing that I did it and I did it with the help that God brought and I received. That’s the thing with help — 1 part is asking and 1 part is accepting the help that’s offered. And learning that sometimes if the ask is not responded to, it was not meant to be… it was not part of the bigger plan.

the boy the mole the fox and the horseLaughter

Lastly, there’s the mole with his cake! 🍰 He makes me smile & chuckle at myself because there are days that I allow myself to indulge in my go-to silly foods … dark chocolate, mini-donuts 🍩 and mini Reece cups. He reminds me also of my children who find the joy in the simplest of things. 🌺He reminds me that laughter is good medicine for the soul.  It’s ALL God’s beautiful way of guiding me along in this journey of life and of living my purpose. It’s through all this that HE is providing. I’m so grateful for how far I’ve come and everyone HE has put in my path! ❤️ If you’d like to purchase a copy of your own, you can click here to buy from Amazon. Thanks for visiting.