Easter holds many different meanings for a lot of us, depending on your individual journey.  Most importantly for me, it’s about new beginnings and newness of life. It is full of freshness and hope.

April 1 was Blu Dove Designs, 11th year anniversary, I was baptized at an Easter vigil service as an infant and Easter is Sunday, April 5th. All of those special new life events combined so closely together this season, seemed an appropriate time to launch something new. So here begins my first entry and my fearless first step.

For me, Easter is the most special and sacred time of year. Everything about the season symbolizes death or the passing away of the old and the creation of new life… even more than the New Year.

From the fresh leaves on the trees, bright green grass growing, bugs beginning to buzz to the beautiful blooming flowers and the pollen seen layered on our cars!  Most importantly [for me] it is about the rising of the Son, Jesus, after being crucified on the cross.  It is a reminder of how he loved us with such abandon that he suffered and died in order that we might live. Furthermore, it’s a reminder to embrace life without fear.  You may or may not believe or share the same faith and that is perfectly ok. In fact, I’m grateful that I live in a country where I have the freedom to live out my own faith and you have the freedom to live out yours.

Every year I spend a great deal of time in reflection, and asking for what I need to bring to the cross to surrender; what part of me must “die” in order that I may live?

This year, it’s fear.

Fear is powerful.  It can stop you in your tracks, delay you on your journey, make you second guess yourself and your decisions and generally wreak havoc on your goals. This year I am letting that go.

Regardless of your beliefs, I encourage you this season to ask yourself, what am I holding onto that is keeping me from moving forward personally and professionally? What is keeping me from my goals? All of us have something holding us back in some area. It’s what we choose to do with it that matters. Identify what it is, reflect on it and bring it to the cross, write it down and then rip it into shreds, or just talk to someone.  The point here is to do something to let it go; to let it die so you can blossom and come into a newness of life. Hanging onto it serves no purpose.

This Easter as you celebrate life with your loved ones, hunt for eggs and candy, attend church or watch a sports show; whatever you believe, whatever political party you reside in or whatever your thoughts and opinions are – Let this be a time of renewal professionally and personally.  Let us appreciate our differences, strive to understand the other perspective and begin anew with love in our hearts.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.